Bereavement Ministry – Contact Person: Vici Butler at 646-0806 and or Rita Cupani at 646-0299 and These volunteers help the family in the planning and preparation of the Liturgy for Mass of Christian Burial. Their goal is to provide support in the initial stages of grieving.
Caring is an adult day care center community in Pleasantville. We pray the rosary and also have a short prayer service with distribution of the Eucharist to the clients there every Friday. Contact Person: Vici Butler at 646-0806 and
Friends of St. Gianna- When and Where: Meetings suspended until September Contact Person: Mary Ann Marchetti at 641-6983 and
Loaves & Fishes Project- When and Where: Food donations for Catholic Charities are held 1st Sunday of every month. Take non-perishable food items to Gathering Area.
Respect Life- When and Where: St. Gianna’s parish participates in the Life Chain prayers on Respect Life Sunday – date to be announced Contact: Teri Clark at 641-4245 and Stop NJ Assisted Suicide Bills if you are concerned about the elderly, disabled, poor or the uninsured please pay attention to proposed legislation. Please contact me if you would like to help continue to renew our communities commitment to the poorest of the poor, our babies, the elderly and the sick.
Seniors- When and Where: Bi-weekly gatherings at 1pm in the Family Memorial Center – Parish Hall on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
Sharing Hands – Contact Person: Mary Rossiter at 641-0396 and Our goals are to lend a hand or learn new skills while prayerfully sharing friendship and community. If you would like to knit, crochet or quilt shawls, wraps & baby blankets please give me a call. The group also makes and distributes prayer shawls and lap robes to the homebound, sick and anyone in need of prayer. Members also present RCIA candidates with crocheted bookmarks when they are baptized and received into the church.
Sodality of the BVM – When and Where: 1st Tuesday monthly 7pm in the Family Memorial Center – Parish Hall Sept. to May. Contact Person: Rosemary O’Dowd at 641-4869 or Linda Cohen at 677-7567 and The group was begun in July, 1971. The purpose of this organization shall be: Devotion to the Blessed Mother, aiding and assisting the Priest , the Parish and promoting fellowship in the Church Community. Some of the activities we organize are the annual Spring Baby Shower to benefit Catholic Charities, Good Counsel Homes & Heart in AC, Blessed Mother May Crowning, in Fall the Friends Helping Friends fund raiser and the Christmas Shoe Box collection of toys and gifts for Children in Need and a Special Winter Collection for the Homeless. The women in Sodality also help the Parish throughout the year with caring for Expectant Mothers, Families of Deceased parishioners, weekly Traveling Blessed Mother statue for prayer devotions and Special Events as requested by our Pastor. We also help the parish with the Annual Chicken BBQ in August and the Fall Fashion Show.
Stephen Ministry – Contact Person: Carolyn Johnson Peterson at 335-6202 or The group helps to equip lay people to provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.